"The facts of life aren't always black and white, But when it's all said and done, at the end of the day, I'm trusting God to guide me through the gray." John Reuben

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Marcel Dumais

Four years seems so long.
Four years seems so short.
Seems like he's still here.
Relaxing watching tv in his room.

Didn't get to know him well.
Started to get to know him.
Cutting his hair.
Sitting at the table talking.

But now he's gone.
He's not here.
Memories last.
And the photographs will remain.

The loss is great
to grandmother and family
Yet she and we move on.
But we remember, always remember.


  1. My favorite stanza is probably the second one. The little things like cutting hair and talking show the ordinary to be not so ordinary after all.

  2. The second stanza was my favorite as well. Simple things like that can really hit home . . . since my grandpa passed away, it's always the little things like that that I remember and miss the most.
